Monday, November 15, 2010

Indoor Mining - Good Night Red Sage Mine

It is time for rest at the Red Sage Mine. 

As the snow starts to cover the pits and pockets, Red Sage Mine begins to hibernate for the season. This time of year is always bittersweet.  Our weekends of prospecting, diggin and getting dirty are done, now it's time to embrace the indoors.

At least indoors, we can direct our energy to " indoor" mining.  At our home, we have hours and hours of entertainment going through and cleaning our summer harvest of specimens.  Unveiling treasures that are still buried under earth and cuperlite , there shines some of the most amazing Red Sage Crystals.

Our very last outing, we discovered a great pocket of plates of Quartz.  The minerals are red, black and some even have a yellow orange hue. 
These are very unique specimens and we love them!

Its gonna be a fun winter season finding all the treasures in our buckets, piles and shelves!


  1. I too am looking forward to some time indoors to nurture and take care of all of my friends that tend to be neglected during the summer months. We had such an amazing time at the Red Sage Mine this summer! thank you for having was truely a turning point in my life.

  2. Anytime! I can't wait for next summer already! Maybe next time we can go when it won't snow on us :)

    Winter is a great time to hibernate, reflect and grow. Then, when the season turns again, we are ready and prepared for the next phase of experience in life. <3
