Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Faden Quartz

Faden Quartz is a beautiful specimen of quartz that shows how the environment can directly effect the way a specimen grows.

As winter is beginning to sneak into our lives, it is hard not to notice the changes in the weather, life and emotions.

Faden quartz is a mineral that has gone through constant changes and healing, causing a unique, yet beautiful scar for its appearance.

Is quartz that grows in a more unique style than other quartz.  

The name originates from the German word, “Fadenquaz.”  This refers to the white line or “thread” that is formed in the middle of the specimen. 

Found in metamorphic formations, the “thread” is formed when there is a crack in the main host rock that slowly grows.  Creating a tabular, double terminated crystals, the growing process can fracture and create a cycle of re-growth and self healing. The faden is then created by the process, leaving a gas/liquid “thread.”

Metaphysically, the stone helps one get the strength and energy to go through personal, spiritual changes and improvement, while adapting positively through out the process.  It is through the patience and persistence of positive love and light that leads the growth.  

Friday, November 19, 2010


Aragonite – A mineral full of fun, but fierce seriousness.

Looking at a specimen of aragonite reminds me of the image of looking at a neatly, compact planet.   

All the ( prismatic) crystals the stick out of the ball shape resemble towering sky scrappers in a packed little universe.  

Stability, unity, core -

An energetic ball of calcium carbonate with maybe some lead and zinc, this mineral is capable of aiding in the manifestation of your true passion, life purpose. They are here to help you maintain your stable, calm sense of true being.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Beautiful Yellow Fluorite

This specimen is one of my favorites.                                            
( its so hard cause almost every rock is a favorite, depending on the day! )

A yellow, with some purple fluorite from Illinois.  Not only is it a gorgeous color, and FINE cubic crystal formation, but it is from Illinois, my home state.

When I see this crystal, I just see a glowing orb of comfort and unconditional love.  The type of lovey fuzzy feeling you get when you have one of those childhood memories of grandmas baked cookies. It goes straight to your gut... which leads to your heart.

Working on the solar plexus chakra, this specimen loves to sit out on our table during these months of the Holidays approaching.  No matter how long I have been away from home, I still get a little homesick about this time.  This specimen helps relieve it. 

It puts out a structured and calming effect that reminds you of the familiarity of  family and home.

** thanks Joe at Pinnacle 5 Minerals for the lovely stone~

Monday, November 15, 2010

Indoor Mining - Good Night Red Sage Mine

It is time for rest at the Red Sage Mine. 

As the snow starts to cover the pits and pockets, Red Sage Mine begins to hibernate for the season. This time of year is always bittersweet.  Our weekends of prospecting, diggin and getting dirty are done, now it's time to embrace the indoors.

At least indoors, we can direct our energy to " indoor" mining.  At our home, we have hours and hours of entertainment going through and cleaning our summer harvest of specimens.  Unveiling treasures that are still buried under earth and cuperlite , there shines some of the most amazing Red Sage Crystals.

Our very last outing, we discovered a great pocket of plates of Quartz.  The minerals are red, black and some even have a yellow orange hue. 
These are very unique specimens and we love them!

Its gonna be a fun winter season finding all the treasures in our buckets, piles and shelves!