Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Equinox - New Moon love

Happy Spring equinox!

The sun and the moon are shining equaling and balancing their illuminant energy onto the earth. 

The season is officially changed and everyone has just started getting the gardening itch.   
I LOVE this time of year, the anticipation for all the snow to melt and the start of  diggin’ season all over again! 

But for now, I am going to focus on this month, or even this week.   With the equinox here and a new moon, it has me looking back into my everyday life and examining what needs more balance; work and play, masculine and feminine, giving and receiving, reading and movies, the yin and the yang.   With this question in mind I grabbed my good ole Kyanite.
Blue and green kyanite from Brazil.
The beautiful, blue kyanite is great for balancing chakras, directing energy and removing the vibrations that no longer serve you.  Take a few breaths, set your intention to help you with whatever part of your life needs some harmony and allow it to clear and balance everything out.  I visualize the kyanite energy flowing from the crown of my head, down my spine, to my feet.  Clearing the way and making sure each side is nice and even and in harmony as I set my intention for a balanced mind and body.