just all of them covered in dirt!
With the new moon approaching, I get ready to set my goals for the month. Whether it is goals of domestic duties, spiritual growth or career based, I just know it is time to assess and make those goals.
But this TIME… with the weather incredible warm and sunny in Fort Collins for a few days, I just think how much closer it is getting to spring time! When the snow starts melting at the top of the hills, it is about time to start spending the weekends back at Red Sage Mine.
Indoors we have buckets of stones collected from the Summer 2010. Specimens of all sorts of different sizes, color, terminations, history and mineral content show up in buckets that have spent weeks soaking. Each handful offers another warm “welcome” to the stones as they appear out from the earth. Most of them you remember when they were discovered and the sudden re- acquaintance leaves such a delightful feeling as if you just of ran into a long lost best friend, or cousin. I am so grateful for our “in door” mining and can’t wait to see what we uncover.