Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Red Sage Crystal Debut with Dana Shino and The Purple Phoenix

We are so excited to share some of the great Red Sage Quartz Crystals!

Dana Shino, of The Purple Phoenix - Spiritual Coach, author - extraordinaire, has a few specimens available via her website http://www.thepurplephoenix.com/crystals-for-sale/

There are 15 specimens listed, all with a fantastic mini readings, giving a great description of the stone.  Dana offers just the specimen, or a package deal of the specimen and a wonderful crystal reading.

Knowing that these crystals are going to a great home and are out there to help educate and heal is such great news for Zane and I! We couldn't be happier in knowing that these little guys are making their next step.

Dana is a fantastic lady, and I am a big fan of her work, it is worth checking out!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why is this song in my HEAD?!

Why songs stuck in your head are kinda similar to the need to have a certain crystal/ mineral in your possession.

So, I have been thinking about this over and over again all season.  Why do I want to hear the same song over and over and over again? It’s a little…  neurotic. 

I am a lover of music, and my present “day” job had me surrounded by music of all types all the time.  Regardless of the constant change in the music around me, I will play the same song every morning for 2 months… and sometimes after work, and again in the car.   

The funny part is, I can still manage to never learn the words to the song!   

Well, sometime, long ago I heard this theory on why songs get stuck in peoples head and I can’t stop thinking about it.  I am not sure who’s theory it is, of even if there is a legitimate one… but its pretty interesting so,  here it goes! Oh, and I am only telling the basics, not at all getting into the massive and amazing details of science , religions, beliefs and healing.
It all begins with vibration.  

We all vibrate, everything does.  Music is essential vibration.  Distorted and manipulated vibrations of sound, that when combined and combed together, creates art and beauty.  Vibrations are created and sent out as sound waves and you hear it.  You experience a musical song vibration.

As a human, we vibrate at different level.  In chakras, each chakra has a different vibration, sound and even tone.  ( ie. Crystal bowels, Tibetan bowels) In chakra healing, you treat you chakra with the vibration that is in need or less of more of that vibration, to help create a balance.

With all this said, a song stuck in your head, is a way of your body telling you that you need more of a tonal vibration to feel good. You listen to it, and it makes you feel good. Why? Because you chakras need that vibration to become more balanced and feel good.  Much like how crystals and stones helps you heal and balance too!
Oh yeah, there is this article too that explains how good music makes your brain release dopamine too.